In-Team - The Messenger Of Allah (Nasyid)

Posted by Albert Park Sabtu, 08 September 2012 0 komentar
Your face is bright like the shining moon
Lighting up darkness of the night
We are here, we think of you
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah

The coming of you make the brightest day
Shining through along the way
You bring the love of Al-Islam
You are the symbol of unity

You bring the light to the entire world
You bring the hope into human lives 2x

You lead us to the way of truth
Oh Muhammad
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah

Well my friends the time has come
To have some peace and serenity
From the love of Rasulullah
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah

Lagu: Farihin Abd. Fatah
Lirik: Sakinah Thomas
Hijjaz Music Entertainment (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Judul Nasyid : The Messenger Of Allah
Artist : In-Team
Album : Impian Kasih

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Judul: In-Team - The Messenger Of Allah (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
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