Haddad Alwi - The Way of Love (Nasyid)

Posted by Albert Park Rabu, 11 Juli 2012 0 komentar
*the Prophet's path, the way of love
only by this Love you'll rise above
like a dove that's been set free
love with longing is the key
this love with longing is the key

honey, nectar, sweetness and cream
orchids blooming by a mountain stream
starlit skies and waves on the sand
next to love they can't stand
next to this love they can not stand

yaa Robii yaa sarii'ar ridho irham man
ro'su maalihir-rojaa
wa thina maa qod sa-alnaa bi liqoo-i
khoiril anami
yaa khoiral a'anaami

ulang *

yaa Robii yaa man-ismuhu dawa wa dzikruhu
syifaa-un lana
robbiy faj'al mujtama'na ghoyatuhu husnul
bihusnil khitami

how can I find a way to express
something that cannot be thought or guesses
something more than just words?
this love is neither seen nor heard
this love is neither seen nor heard

Love is the rope given by ALLAH
it will save you from every flaw
grasp it then He wil draw you near

Lirik: Syeh Fattah (pimpinan DEBU)
penata muzik: Anwar Fauzi
lagu: Ya thoybah/ llir-llir

Judul Nasyid : The Way of Love
Artist : Haddad Alwi
Album : The Way of Love

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Judul: Haddad Alwi - The Way of Love (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
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