Gradasi - Green Kingdom (Nasyid)
Kamis, 05 Juli 2012
I see rain begins to fall
The misty cloud
I've been excited in all
When I walked along way side of the trees,
Stand below the shadow of leaves
When I breath fresh oh my lord
No I don't ever want to lose it
When I walked along way side of the trees,
Stand below the shadow of leaves
When I breath fresh oh my lord
No I don't ever want to lose it
And the wind blows,
I see rain begins to fall
The misty cloud
I've been excited in all
How great Our Lord creates it
Word willl never can describe it
(He) Gives us the wonderful life
(We) must be wise to use it
How great Our lord gives it
We could cherish beautiful sight
That's evidence balance of life
The journal of green kingkom
Judul Nasyid : Green Kingdom
Artist : Gradasi
Album : Dimensi
Judul: Gradasi - Green Kingdom (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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