Mirwana - We Could Be The Best (Nasyid)

Posted by Albert Park Sabtu, 14 April 2012 0 komentar
Don't count the days
By the leaves that fall
By the rain that drops
By the thunders that strike

Let's count life
By the rainbows
By the blooming flowers
By the singing birds

Cause life, is precious and meaningful
A gift of Allah
The almighty

Oh Allah
We come to You
With the load of burden
And frustrations
But with a mountain of willingness
Hoping that You will bless us all

Oh Allah
Calm these hearts
Strengthen our faith
Guide our way
Light our path
With the Nur of Islam
Light our hearts
With light of Iman

Trying all our best
To be the best
To achieve the best
For the sake of Islam

Trying so hard
To achieve the best
To be the best
For the sake of Islam

Let's try our best an leave the rest
To Allah and get His bless

Oh Allah light up our hearts
With the light of Iman
So we could be the best
We should be the best
We could be the best

Song by Yasin
Lyric by Yasin / Zarinah Zakaria
Produced by Yasin
Vocals by Yasin
Background vocal by Syah

Judul Nasyid : We Could Be The Best
Artist : Mirwana
Album : G.E.N.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.S

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Judul: Mirwana - We Could Be The Best (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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