Mirwana - Thank You (Nasyid)
Kamis, 12 April 2012
For simply being there
On a cloudy day
On a sunny day
Thank you for sharing your joys
And bear with me
For showing me that I?m so special
When my contribution counts
To our friendship
I have grown as a person
And I hope you have too
Thank you
Just for you
Thank you
For simply being my friend
For the special memories
We share together now
For the never ending support you always give me
Oh friend, oh
I will always love you
I can?t tell you
How much that you mean to me
I pray for our everlasting friendship
Never ever say good bye to yesterday
Coz yesterday was special and wonderful
And I hope tomorrow will be better
Thank you for everything
Repeat C/O
Judul Nasyid : Thank You
Artist : Mirwana
Album : Cry for Feedom
Judul: Mirwana - Thank You (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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