Craig David - Insomnia [Chord]

Posted by Albert Park Senin, 09 April 2012 0 komentar
Intro: Bb - C - Am - Dm (2x)

Bb C
I never thought that i'd fall in love, love, love, love
Am Dm
But it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush
Bb C
Being without you girl, i was all messed up, up, up, up
Am Dm
When you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough

Bb C
Been a fool, girl i know
Am Dm
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Bb C
Maybe in time, you'll change your mind
Am Dm
Now looking back i wish i could rewind


Bb C
Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
Am Dm
No i can't live without you no more
Bb C
Oh i stay up til you're next to me
Am Dm
Til this house feels like it did before
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah

Bb C
Remember telling my boys that i'd never fall in love, love, love, love
Am Dm
You used to think i'd never find a girl i could trust, trust, trust, trust
Bb C
And then you walked into my life and it was all about us, us, us, us
Am Dm
But now i'm sitting here thinking i messed the whole thing up, up, up, up

Bb C
Been a fool (fool), girl i know (know)
Am Dm
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Bb C
Maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
Am Dm
Now looking back i wish i could rewind

Bb C
Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
Am Dm
No i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
Bb C
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Am Dm
Til this house feels like it did before (because it)
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah (ah), feels like insomnia ah ah

Bb C
Ah, i just can't go to sleep
Am Dm
Cause it feels like i've fallen for you
Bb C
It's getting way too deep
And i know that it's love because

Bb C
I can't sleep til you're next to me
Am Dm
No i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
Bb C
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Am Dm
Til this house feels like it did before
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah
Bb C Am Dm
Feels like insomnia ah ah, feels like insomnia ah ah

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Judul: Craig David - Insomnia [Chord]
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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