Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions [Chord]

Posted by Albert Park Jumat, 13 Januari 2012 0 komentar
      Am                   F       G
"I'll try," she said as he walked away.
"Try not to lose you."
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Nothing tears the being more than deception,
unmasked fear.
Am F G Am
"I'll be here waiting" tested and secure.

Am F
Nothing hurts my world,
G Am
just affects the ones around me
Am F
When sin's deep in my blood,
G Am
you'll be the one to fall.

Am F G
"I wish I could be the one,
Am F G
the one who won't care at all
Am F G
But being the one on the stand,
Am F G F
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
Am F G
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
Am F G Am
I know it's hard to fall.
Am F G
Confided in me was your heart
Am F G Am F G Am
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."

Am F
Nothing will last in this life,
G Am
our time is spent constructing,
Am F G
now you're perfecting a world... meant to sin.
Am F
Constrict your hands around me,
G Am
squeeze till I cannot breathe,
Am F
this air tastes dead inside me,
G Am
contribute to our plague.
Break all your promises,
tear down this steadfast wall,
restraints are useless here,
tasting salvation's near.

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Judul: Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions [Chord]
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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