Al Wadi - The Greatest Ummah (Nasyid)

Posted by Albert Park Rabu, 25 Januari 2012 0 komentar
We are the greatest Ummah
Ready to step forward
To gain the reward
Set forth by the Lord

We must believe that we exist
To fulfill the need
Of the inheritor of Rasulullah
Our mission is to remind and to rule by Islam
Our mission is to bring peace to the world and its people
What we want is complete submission to Allah

Allah is our destination
Al-Quran is our order
The Prophet is our model
Jihad is our principal
We strive so hard
To build the nation of Islam

We are the greatest Ummah...

Judul Nasyid : The Greatest Ummah
Artist : Al Wadi
Album : Indahnya Bersama Islam

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Judul: Al Wadi - The Greatest Ummah (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
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