Devotees - Dont Walk Away (Nasyid)

Posted by Albert Park Senin, 07 Mei 2012 0 komentar
Every little things that you will do
It will always come back to you
Think about the way that you feel
Head yourself off to your dreams

Don t walk away walk away
Don t walk away
Don t walk away walk away
Don t walk away

Every single moment you live
It s joy if you believe
Give away all your fears
Wipe away all your tears

Rise yourself up to your dreams
So think of the future
As bright as the sun
And it will always be fun

You never had been to
The love in your eyes will
Get everything in your life
So don t be afraid

Just say
Don t walk away walk away
Don t walk away walk away

You have got the vision in mind
Say to yourself that you can
Stand up to your faith
And you will find
That all you need is right in your hand

Don t walk away walk away
Don t walk away
Don t walk away walk away
Don t walk away

Judul Nasyid : Dont Walk Away
Artist : Devotees
Album : Berjalan Tanpa Henti

Lirik Lagu Terkait

Judul: Devotees - Dont Walk Away (Nasyid)
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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