Linkin Park - Not Alone [Chord]

Posted by Albert Park Jumat, 04 Mei 2012 0 komentar
I break down, fear is sinking in
The cold comes, racing through my skin
Searching for a way to get to you
Through the storm you...

G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, giving up your home
G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, leaving all you've known
C Dm A C A#
You are not alone

C Dm C A# A
With arms up, stretched into the sky
With eyes like, echoes in the night
Hiding from the hell that you've been through
Silent one, you....
G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, giving up your home
G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, leaving all you've known
C Dm A C A#
You are not alone
G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, giving up your home
G Dm F C Dm A#
Go, leaving all you've known
C Dm A C A#
You are not alone


C Dm C A# A
You go, giving up your home
Go, leaving all you've known
C Dm C A# A
You Go, giving up your home
Go, you are not alone
You are not alone
C Dm C A# A
You are not alone
You are not alone

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Judul: Linkin Park - Not Alone [Chord]
Ditulis oleh Albert Park
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